Wednesday 28 March 2018

Dhoni horoscope for Cricket World Cup 2011

Dhoni horoscope for Cricket World Cup 2011

Mahendra Singh Dhoni — expected performance through Cricket World Cup 2011 in the light of vedic astrology.

19 February 2011- Saturday, Indian Cricket Team will perform the first game of Cricket World Cup 2011. Vedic astrology readings indicate that Dhoni will have three planets viz. The Sun, Mars and Mercury in house of his horoscope.     The Moon will probably be reverted in Leo zodiac sign in twelfth home.   The placement of unkind malefic planets in sixth house is reportedly quite favorable, specifically when the antardasa Lord Mercury can be transiting the sixth home.   Except some minor challenges, the vedic astrology forecasts are optimistic and Dhoni is likely to have rather a positive, eventful and fortunate moment.

27 February 2011 — Sunday.  Vedic astrology readings for the day are not inclined to be favorable and fortunate for Dhoni whatsoever.   He might not be able to perform well in general sections of cricket.   His performance as a batsman might not be satisfactory in any respect, and his decisions as a Captain might not yield expected benefits.   Vedic astrology readings are forecasting that even wicket-keeping skills of Mahendra Singh Dhoni may encounter a downfall on this date.

6 March 2011, Sunday — India will perform against Ireland in a day-night cricket game in Bengaluru.   And, apparently it wouldn’t be hard for Dhoni and Indian Cricket Team to win this game.   Dhoni is under Mercury antardasa in Mahadasa of Rahu and approximately 8.25 PM — Mercury will alter its transit signal to Pisces.   As per vedic astrology forecast, this transit conjunction of Mercury, Jupiter and Moon in house of Dhoni natal birth chart is not beneficial in the light of continuing Mercury’s antardasa. And, after 8.25 PM, Dhoni may face difficulty in choosing fruitful and best suited decisions.   Vedic astrology forecasts are indicating that performance of Mahendra Singh Dhoni might likewise not be around the mark since he might often take things gently.

9 March 2011, Wednesday — India will perform against Netherlands in a day-night cricket game.   And, alike Ireland this might likewise not appear very tough for Dhoni to acquire this cricket game. His independent performance is likely to be averagely great and he can also want to take advantage of the situation from coming to bat early than expected. As per vedic astrology forecasts, the Luck appears to be in great favor of Dhoni with this particular date and he would like to relish the effortless victory.

12 March 2011, Saturday — Indian Cricket Team will play against South Africa in this day-night cricket game.   The exalted Moon in Taurus signal in transit will not give some fantastic aid and favor of fortune to Dhoni with this season.   But, overall his performance might suffer significantly.   He might take some wrong decisions and fail to implement his strategy on the floor.     Vedic astrology readings have been denoting the odds of Dhoni loosing that game are rather prominent.

20 March 2011, Sunday — India will fight against West Indies in day-night match.   The Moon and Saturn will be conjunct in Virgo over this date.   And, the Sun, Jupiter and debilitated Mercury will be in the house.   Dhoni may suffer from bad luck and misfortunes with this particular day along with his operation may remain below average.   His decisions may back-fire and that he might not be able to provide much. In general vedic astrology forecasts are not in favour of Mahendra Singh Dhoni for this season.

Filed under: Cricket, famous persons, Prediction, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


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